Thursday, June 21, 2012

Patterened Inspiration

I'm excited to share what I've been working on lately. The idea has been bouncing around in my head for a few years but I think I only started working on it recently for a couple reasons. Recently I have become more interested in creating patterns and I think the Black Apple's ability to produce such beautiful things so quickly has challenged me to get more done. So I'm starting a new series, based on my love of patterns and this hilarious scene in Garden State.
Sometimes a quirky fun movie, at other times very depressing and really inappropriate

This is the first drawing I've created entirely on the computer, that I'm actually really happy with.
I'm eager to see how the others will turn out.

Close up of her freckles  :)
Happy Thursday!


paper bird said...

I love that scene in Garden State. Definitely one of my old favorites when it comes to movies.
Also loving your printed jeans!!! Props on your bravery - looks awesome.

Anonymous said...

Everyone should have freckles !!

New inspiration and new projects

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