Monday, October 15, 2012

Trial and Error

Have you ever done something in the spur of the moment, and it comes together fluidly and at the end you are quite pleased with the results? What about when you try to duplicate this process again later?
Things don't always go the way I want them to when I try to recreate what I put together the first time, often in the kitchen and this time with sewing.

Also, on a side note I think my interest in making plush sea creatures was somewhat inspired by my detangler hairspray.

double dutch apple scent lol

I wanted to make a girl octopus, I elongated the pattern and made the overall size larger for an easier stuffing process.  Of course she would have cute little eyelashes, but for some reason my technique went very, very wrong.

1st attempt

I decided I didn't like where it was headed so I started over. I decided to make the eyes more circular and lower the mouth.
2nd attempt getting stuffed

I decided to change the bow shape a little but overall I am quite pleased with her. She is going to the little girl I made her for tomorrow :)

so happy together !
Happy Monday to you :)


Anonymous said...

Kim these are adorable!!! I thought the 1st attempt was great too :)

Purple Quilter Queen said...

You know the more I look at her, maybe she needs a 3D bow or some tuffs of hair under the bow. She's still cute! Lily is going to love her.

floating thru fields said...

thanks guys I always appreciate your thoughts :)

Morgan Brooks said...

how precious!
If you get a sec, it'd mean the world to me if you would come check out my latest post!

New inspiration and new projects

I love going to museums and admiring some of my favorite artists and discovering new ones too! My goal for this year was to visit a diffe...