Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Laughter and Love

You know when your favorite episode of a show comes on? I love when that happens and Monday night it was two for one!
First 30 Rock, the Valentine's day episode from season 4. Liz is alone and is having a procedure at the dentist, everyone is busy desperately trying to pair off in time for Valentine's day, but she is standing firm and proud in her single-ness. Even though she needs someone to drive her home after the dentist, she forgoes finding someone and ends up incapacitated and without transportation. She hallucinates and thinks all of her ex-boyfriends are there to pick her up, but Jack her boss ends up taking her home.

I also love The Big Bang Theory, one of my favorite episodes from season 3 is the Adhesive Duck Deficiency. Penny falls and slips in the shower dislocating her shoulder, Sheldon her neighbor who is not good with people or normal situations is the only one to help her get to the hospital. Hilarity ensues. LOL I love when he presents her with clothing options and she decides on there acceptability as an outfit.  AND soft kitty sung in a round!

My apologies if you are not a fan of either show. On a different note, a few of my friends have gotten married, or moved into their first home this year and it got me thinking about a special way to commemorate such a milestone. When I think of how happy and cute my friends are together, it makes me want to make something just as happy and cute as they are. Thus the "home is where the heart is" print was born. I came up with a few color combos and used my friends' initials as examples. What do you think? If you have suggestions, comments, and/or opinions.... I would love to hear them. It will be available to personalize in the shop soon :)


Yulia Rahmawati said...

I don't really like watching something like that
since I don't have tv at my boarding house

and yes, i miss home
since home is where the heart is :D

Anonymous said...

So cute!! Thanks for adding our initials :)
That is also one of my favorite episodes of Big Bang Theory. Although I also love the one where Amy Farrah Fowler gets Penny that giant painting of the two of them - I think a rerun played recently. Jared and I might actually be Sheldon and Amy for Halloween next year :)

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