Friday, January 11, 2013

head in the clouds

It has rained a lot the past few days, it was so nice to see the sun and the happy clouds on the way home. It kinda got me thinking about a sketch idea that has been bouncing around.

colorful clouds make me happy

I want to keep playing with this idea, it's not quite the version I saw in my head.

Also, I stumbled upon this awesome USB hub with USB drives shaped like toast! 
Over the top? Maybe a little but I think it's adorable in a nerdy way.

There's even different types of toasts

In other food related news, I finally got my first piece of pie of the new year! It had been over a month, we didn't get to go over the holidays, when I had nice leisurely days off perfect for pie. But pie is also good after a crazy hectic week. Hello, Merry Berry :)

yes, the pie is awesome enough to get a close up

I was checking out Moschino's handbags recently and they have these fun novelty bags. I can't decide if I like the paper boat, or the painted tea cup, they are both cute and hilarious.

What do you think about novelty handbags? Do you or would you carry one?


Unknown said...

I like your cute little sketch--you should paint it, just like that!

SWEATshirtDRESSshirt said...

That USB hub is so adorable! ...and clever! I also love that teacup purse! So creative.

SWEATshirt DRESSshirt

Introverted Art said...

oh the usb toasts are adorable and super creative!!!!!!

New inspiration and new projects

I love going to museums and admiring some of my favorite artists and discovering new ones too! My goal for this year was to visit a diffe...