Tuesday, February 5, 2013

clouds and birds

Things have been kind stressful and disappointing lately. One thing that cheers me up on my drive home is getting to see the sun set. I love clouds all fluffy and different colors, it reminds me how powerful God is and what a wonderful creator He is.

 He can do so much with so little. It reminds me to calm down and enjoy the view.

I think that's why I love birds so much, they are so tiny and yet resilient. They remind me to stay positive. One of my favorite Bible passages in Matthew is about birds.
I have had this drawing idea bouncing around in my head for quite awhile.  Here's a quick sketch, I'd like to do another version with color and tweak the details a little. Regardless this needs to go in my cube as soon as possible.

 I hope this encourages you, and you smile the next time you see a bird fly by. I've added new projects to my list but I'm trying to say focused. Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday :)


Anonymous said...

This too shall pass -- focus on the good, it seems like your bucket is running over. Just remember this weekend you had the delicious pizza and pie !!

Magical Daydream said...

That is a bible passage I really like too. I can be somewhat worried too sometimes, and that text always calmed me down somehow :)



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