Monday, October 20, 2014

Inktober on Instagram

I mentioned previously that I recently got on instagram and I'm really loving the community there!
There is endless inspiration and so many people making and drawing amazing things.
I started participating loosely in inktober, a project that was started by illustrator Jake Parker.
The goal is to improve your skills and to sketch everyday in ink for the month of October.

I have been so out of my normal routine that sketching in any form has been my goal. I'm pretty happy with some of the new stuff I've done including my first adventure time fan art and some sketches that I've had laying around in very rough stages.  I hope to update my society 6 shop soon :)

What Fall projects are you working on?  Happy Monday!!!
You can follow me on instagram @floatingthrufields


ALLIE NYC said...

Ah they are all so cute and also shows variety too.

Allie of ALLIE NYC

Kyla said...

Such cute doodles here! I wish I got into inktober, but I forgot and then I realized we were two weeks into the month already, ha!

Kerry said...

It's awesome that you're participating in Inktober! I did the Spoonflower drawing challenge on instagram, and really enjoyed it. It's a nice excuse to make time for creativity every day.

Laila said...

Cute cute cute! I'm on instagram too, I will definitely seek you out, I can't wait to see the kind of thing you're posting over there. X

Traci said...

I love those robots!

ALLIE NYC said...

How exciting you found this community. Inktober what a great name. Love the illos.

Allie of ALLIE NYC

New inspiration and new projects

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