Monday, March 3, 2014

Top 5 favorites

1. Last week was so crazy busy at work, I haven't had a chance to finish any posts. Here is my top 5 things I'm excited about right now :)
The Lego Movie & Soundtrack
I was pretty excited about the Lego movie before I saw it, but it was even better than I thought it would be! I have been a fan of Chris Pratt since Everwood and he is hilarious and heartwarming as Emmett, and Elizabeth Banks is awesome as the kick butt girly adventurer Wyldstyle, and Will Arnett makes an amazing turn as an over the top and cocky Batman.
 The upbeat techno soundtrack is wonderfully done by my favorite Mark Mothersbaugh :)
Everything is Awesome!!! kind of sums up the whole movie I think.

2. The weather has been warmer the past week or so and we were able to plant some bulbs and with the warmer weather everything has started budding out including our daffodils and tulip tree. Saturday it was over 80 degrees and Sunday it was icy and 24 degrees! I hope my veggie plants make it through this second terrible cold spell, I really would like some fresh veggies this Spring.
mini daffys

daffy says hello!

tulip tree

tulip close up

large daffodils

3. H&M girls apparel
I was working on some trend projects for work and I was looking at H&M's offerings and I couldn't get over the adorable blend of adult trends transformed with age appropriate cutesy details.  Here are some of my favorites:

stripes and florals

bow print dress and sneakers

jean skirt with braided belt polka dot top and sneakers

heart prints abound!
4. Hi tree
I have been a fan of Tina Rodas of Hi Tree since I ready her Etsy interview in 2008, I loved her felt trees then and I was looking at Stuffed magazine the other day and I saw some cute tree stumps with faces and I thought they looked vaguely familiar and then I realized they too were from Hitree I was so excited!
Mr Oak Tree

Mr Stump is simply adorable
 5. Art and Appetite an Amon Carter exhibit
Well this one is kind of a no brainer, I love art and I love food bring the two together and I'm pretty excited. This exhibit examines  American painting, culture and cuisine. There is quite an eclectic group of artists from Norman Rockwell to Andy Warhol. I really love the Amon's diversity in exhibits and on the plus side it's free :)
photo from here

This is what I'm excited about lately, what about you?


Heidi's Wanderings said...

You are so lucky! It snowed here on Saturday. I can't wait to see the flowers.

ALLIE NYC said...

80 degrees to 24 wow that is a HUGE jump for a 24 hour period. We are still in the throes of winter here. Nothing is blooming...nada. That lego movie does look fun.

Allie of ALLIE NYC

Kyla said...

Oh, I want to see the Lego movie so badly!! And I am so jealous of that warm weather you're having - that's a crazy leap! It's still bitter cold where I am so seeing the peek of spring is encouraging :)

Sarah Hanrahan said...

Mini daffodils... does it get any cuter than that! The ultimate sign that spring is here, love it <3

Anonymous said...

I thought the tulips were actually a japanese cherry blossom. They look beautiful!!
The Beauty Break //

New inspiration and new projects

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