Tuesday, March 27, 2012

this and that

Finishing up the loose ends on some projects; I hope to share by next week. I've been messing around in Illustrator, coming up with some bday card designs. Nothing says happy to me like a burst of color :)

 And I also have been toying with the idea of a tree trunk bookmark with an owl peering out (of course!)
 still needs some embroidery detail

Also I wanted to share the cutest little owls ever! Maybe they just look cuter because they are not in their usual habitat. What do you think?

More pictures of the little cuties here

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Stuffed animals and more

Trying to more drawings done, but in the meantime, I thought I'd share my other recent obsession: making stuffed animals.

Soon after I started drawing owls, I thought why not try drawing on fabric and making a stuffed owl. The owl on the left, I made a few months ago in a creative fervor one night after work. I decided to experiment with stitching to enhance his features, I'd like to experiment more with that in the future.  I drew his girlfriend soon after but I just finished coloring and assembling her today. I am pleased with how she turned out.
Why yes that is a bow in her feathers
 I am still working on my technique and creating workable proportions.
teeny tiny owl
In other news, I saw the Lorax. While some details were changed in this version, I thought it was still really great. It's so fun to see his quirky drawings interpreted in all the colorful nuances computer animation has to offer.
I wish we could have spent more time with the cute little animals though
 I'd also like to share my favorite TV show opening, it gets points for having a catchy song, ridiculous props, and encapsulating the show's plot in under 30 second. YAY

Hope to get more done this week, I have so many new fun things to share!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Skipping Winter Altogether

Since it seems we have skipped winter altogether, I thought I would celebrate our jump start into spring.

Miniature Daffodil so cute and tiny :)
A tulip tree is basically a pink magnolia,it's whimsical proportions remind me of Dr. Seuss

I love the mix of bright red orange and yellow

Too soon to tell if this year's attempt at a garden will be successful
This beautiful tree is my neighbors', it's my favorite every spring. Two in one!
What's your favorite part of spring?

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

owls in love illustration

So here is one of my first forays into illustration. Like I said before I like cute little animal couples. I'd love to know your thoughts so let me know what you think.

This was the original sketch

This is the digital version
I have been working on more creatures and couples so hopefully I can finish them and share them soon :)

New inspiration and new projects

I love going to museums and admiring some of my favorite artists and discovering new ones too! My goal for this year was to visit a diffe...