Thursday, July 13, 2017

Floral Print Excitement

I'm not much of a girly girl but I am sucker for a floral print. Most of my favorite clothes have some kind of floral or abstract pattern. Unfortunately for me flowers are hard to draw, I have tried for years to come up with shapes and details that don't look to cartoony only to come up with unsatisfying results. But now I've finally made progress worth celebrating!
As some of you know when drawing a pattern you start with a focal point and then add in smaller bits to fill around to create a repeat. This is a focal point I'm finally happy with.

Here is the repeat print with different flowers, bees and humming birds added in.

What's funny about this whole process is I used a different drawing app for this project. Procreate is a favorite for painterly effects and I often use it in abstract pieces but not usually when I'm making a repeat pattern that's where Adobe Illustrator's pattern making tool shines- but there's a first time for everything!
I'm really excited to experiment further and make better patterns to list in my society6 shop and maybe get some fabric printed - the possibilities are endless with a floral print!
What's your favorite go to print to wear and have in your everyday? I don't know about you but florals always make me happy! :)


ALLIE NYC said...

Wow you really have come a long way, yes flowers can be tricky, but these patterns really tuned out excellent!

Allie of

Laila said...

What beautiful patterns! I love floral prints too. I think my favourite prints are either Hawaiian shirts (you know, flowers and cars and stuff) or anything involving fruit! :)

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