Thursday, May 15, 2014

Do Not Worry

 I've been wanting to do some "scripty" postive phrases as prints, I think everyone needs a little more positivity in their lives and I want my work to bring happiness to others and even be an encouraging reminder to myself :)

 Everyone struggles with worry, life is constantly throwing a curve ball and lately I've really been focusing on one of my favorite verses. "Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of it's own." Matthew 6:34.

It's from a larger passage Matthew 6:25-34,  that also talks about the birds, how they do not store food in barns or grow food like we do but God cares for them and makes sure their needs are met,  and how much more would He care for us. That has always struck a chord with me because in the large scheme of everyday life birds seem somewhat insignificant but even so God cares about them and meets their needs. My pastor explained in a way I thought was awesome, "If God cares for his creatures in this way, how much more would he care about his children?" It really reinforced the truth in that passage for me. So after much tweaking, I decided to focus in on that last part, it's a really good reminder for me, not to let worry paralyze me from doing things, to be diligent and make good decisions sure, but when unexpected stressful things happen not to be overrun with worry, just to remember that He is looking after His children, and that worry doesn't add a single hour to your life (from verse 27) it's not productive so don't dwell on it.

So here's my final version, I want to plaster it everywhere as a reminder so I can be constantly reminded and uplifted. I put the print in my shop with other items too, like a mug and a pillow :)
I hope others can find some encouragement in it too. Happy almost Friday to you!


ALLIE NYC said...

Oh WOW I love how this looks on the pillow, nice job! Yes can you believe Emily has a capsule collection with Club Monaco, sort of crazy, but in a good way.

Allie of ALLIE NYC

floating thru fields said...

Hey Allie, thanks for your comment :) yes agreed about club Monaco collection ;)

Laila said...

I love this! Such a great inspirational quote to get out there and lovely design XX

Anonymous said...

Beautiful positive saying - !

floating thru fields said...

thanks ya'll I greatly appreciate your awesome comments

ALLIE NYC said...

I have to admit this can be very hard words to live by.

Allie of ALLIE NYC

loritheearle said...

How about another quote? As : Lord help me be more like you, because she/he/they want to be like me..."

floating thru fields said...

@ Lori yes that's awesome too! Thanks for sharing :)

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