Monday, September 17, 2012

I love color

Color makes me happy and one of my favorite colors of fall is pumpkin (big surprise) I haven't really been able to find fall staple that I really love. I'm thinking about getting a pea coat in that color, we'll see how that endeavor goes.

Here's some stuff I found today that I really like
I always gravitate to the water color patterns, and of course this top includes peplum detail.

Also I always love moto jackets this time of year.....I don't know what it is about zippers that make me giddy but I really love this silhouette and in a tweed it kinda softens it a little.

I always have trouble finding sweaters.....I'm not a layering girl.....even when it gets cold.
But look how cute this sweater is! I love the geometric pattern, it's unexpected and not overly masculine

When I do wear sweaters..I generally go for a cardigan .......I really like the pattern on this it's all 
about the chevron right?

Back to color...when I'm drawing I always have a color scheme initially in mind but it definitely takes a while to get the picture in my head to match the paper and or screen. I'm currently having this struggle, it's like I can't focus on the overall design until I get the color right but I can't get there until I get more of the's definitely a give a take.

just messing with different strokes

I like painting on the computer better .....more control. I guess that's why I like drawing on the computer better too ;)

The picture below is hilarious and if you need a good laugh check out this website: dog-shaming

When good dogs do bad things and get called out

like steal tomatoes

I've been sewing more since I have been having computer issues the past couple of weeks, I hope to share more soon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I saw your posting on dog shaming a while back; it really made my day, too. The one with the little white dog who still had a pacifier in its mouth was classic. Dogs are so weird.

Didn't know that pumpkin was in this season, but I've developed a surprising fondness for yellow in the past year or so.

- Debbie

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