Monday, September 10, 2012

For the Love of Pie

This weekend was wonderful, we had a welcome change of weather it was cool and breezy and beautiful! I went out to Bishop Arts this weekend and ate at my favorite outside patio spot, Bolsa.
Then we went to wander around the shops and by happenstance (or as I have since referred to it......destiny) we parked out by Hunky's  and walked by the cutest old house turned business I have seen in quite a while and on top of that.....they made and served pie!

photos and more information here

I don't know why but pie is definitely my go to dessert, whether I'm having a bad day or I want to celebrate something, I want to make a pie. Pie is definitely a labor of love, and Emporium Pies has really goes the extra mile.

I didn't know what kind to try first, and ended up going with bourbon pecan (aka the druken nut).
I got it to go so I could walk and shop and enjoy it later, look how cute they prepared it!
It's in it's own little basket
look at the beautiful pie!
 It makes me want to get in the kitchen and start experimenting because I just got THIS in the mail.
What can I say I love pie. I hope to do some more fashion and crafty posts this week. Gonna go work on that now :)
Happy Monday !

1 comment:

Carina Michele said...

How cute! I love pie in the Fall especially :)

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