Monday, September 24, 2012

Switching Gears

Since I had been having computer problems lately, I decided to take a break and sew some stuff.
For some reason I was really excited about the idea of a fleece animal, I've never really worked with fleece before. The thing I love about sewing is you can take a sketch, make it whatever size you want add seam allowance and you can make it come to life :)

this is my sketch the ended up on my actual pattern

I was working on a couple things when I was embroidering the facial features.

patterns, owl card, and octopus in progress

this is Reggie the 5 legged octopus

Yes he's a he and he's pink, here's a close up of his cute little face.

I am going to tweak the pattern a little and maybe make it a bit bigger and make him a girly girl pal. I've already got the cute little details mapped out in my head! Just got to get to work.
Also this little guy pretty much sums up how I feel about Fall.

playing in the leaves

This little mouse is an Annalee, a felt collectible, they are made for pretty much every season. My Grandma starting collecting these when a grocery store was going was going out of business they were getting rid of everything including some Christmas Annalees they had used in their store display. We mostly started with Christmas ones and branched out from there. They definitely bring fond memories of the holidays and childhood. But now I'm starting to look at them from a construction standpoint, and I'm still rather baffled at the thought of construction and detail.

On a random side note, way to go Sears marketing people for making a funny parody commercial.

See you soon !

Friday, September 21, 2012

A long time coming

I first discovered Etsy  in 2007 when I unintentionally stumbled upon this article. I remember being so excited and intrigued by this handmade movement that I had no idea about. Through this article I also discovered one of my favorite artists and inspirations The Black Apple. Ever since exploring Etsy on a daily basis has been a part of my routine.  I longed to join this creative community but had no idea what to make- to say I struggle a little with perfectionism and procrastination would probably be the understatement of the year. Every year I kept telling myself this year I'm gonna start a shop, and I never really got very far. Until my last was probably the most demanding and stressful job I've ever had, I had not really felt creative. I had stopped drawing completely until I realized I needed a change of pace, so I started sketching at lunch as sort of a mental recess. I finally had motivation and drive to start seriously pursuing my shop.

The thing about perfectionism is it's unattainable, so I made a conscious effort to keep moving forward and accept my abilities for what they are at this moment. Everyone has to start somewhere, it's not to say you're ok with where you are at forever, goals are essential, and discipline is necessary to grow. It's a slow process to retrain yourself to quit doubting and keep moving, but I'm making progress. You'll never know if you don't try right?

These articles over at Design Sponge have helped me immensely. This one in particular about lies that could hold your business back, I found extremely affirming and timely.

So without further ado, I would like to announce that Floating Thru Fields is now open for business!
I would also like to point out the new shop link at the top right of the page.

I plan to get a lot more drawings done as soon as possible now that my computer issues are somewhat fixed.

Thanks to my family and friends who have supported me through this long process :)

Monday, September 17, 2012

I love color

Color makes me happy and one of my favorite colors of fall is pumpkin (big surprise) I haven't really been able to find fall staple that I really love. I'm thinking about getting a pea coat in that color, we'll see how that endeavor goes.

Here's some stuff I found today that I really like
I always gravitate to the water color patterns, and of course this top includes peplum detail.

Also I always love moto jackets this time of year.....I don't know what it is about zippers that make me giddy but I really love this silhouette and in a tweed it kinda softens it a little.

I always have trouble finding sweaters.....I'm not a layering girl.....even when it gets cold.
But look how cute this sweater is! I love the geometric pattern, it's unexpected and not overly masculine

When I do wear sweaters..I generally go for a cardigan .......I really like the pattern on this it's all 
about the chevron right?

Back to color...when I'm drawing I always have a color scheme initially in mind but it definitely takes a while to get the picture in my head to match the paper and or screen. I'm currently having this struggle, it's like I can't focus on the overall design until I get the color right but I can't get there until I get more of the's definitely a give a take.

just messing with different strokes

I like painting on the computer better .....more control. I guess that's why I like drawing on the computer better too ;)

The picture below is hilarious and if you need a good laugh check out this website: dog-shaming

When good dogs do bad things and get called out

like steal tomatoes

I've been sewing more since I have been having computer issues the past couple of weeks, I hope to share more soon.

Monday, September 10, 2012

For the Love of Pie

This weekend was wonderful, we had a welcome change of weather it was cool and breezy and beautiful! I went out to Bishop Arts this weekend and ate at my favorite outside patio spot, Bolsa.
Then we went to wander around the shops and by happenstance (or as I have since referred to it......destiny) we parked out by Hunky's  and walked by the cutest old house turned business I have seen in quite a while and on top of that.....they made and served pie!

photos and more information here

I don't know why but pie is definitely my go to dessert, whether I'm having a bad day or I want to celebrate something, I want to make a pie. Pie is definitely a labor of love, and Emporium Pies has really goes the extra mile.

I didn't know what kind to try first, and ended up going with bourbon pecan (aka the druken nut).
I got it to go so I could walk and shop and enjoy it later, look how cute they prepared it!
It's in it's own little basket
look at the beautiful pie!
 It makes me want to get in the kitchen and start experimenting because I just got THIS in the mail.
What can I say I love pie. I hope to do some more fashion and crafty posts this week. Gonna go work on that now :)
Happy Monday !

New inspiration and new projects

I love going to museums and admiring some of my favorite artists and discovering new ones too! My goal for this year was to visit a diffe...